This Just In...
Identification and Treatment of PAD

The complexities of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) are discussed in this lecture along with strategies to achieve successful outcomes.

CME (Credits: 0.5) CEU (Credits: 0.75)

Charles Andersen, MD, FACS, MAPWCA
Chief of the Vascular/Endovascular Surgery Service (Emeritus)
Chief of the Wound Care Service
Clinical Professor of Surgery UW, USUHS
Madigan Army Medical Center
Tacoma, WA
[email protected]

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Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss the tools available to diagnose peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
  2. Articulate the limitations of the diagnostic tools.
  3. Elucidate the dangers of depending solely on an ABI.
  4. Update on current techniques for revascularization.
  5. Stress the consequences of failing to identify PAD in a podiatric surgical practice.

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