This Just In...
Empowering Your Practice with Dermatopathology

The dermatopathology report permits the podiatric surgeon to apply more powerful, effective treatments. Dr McClain discusses how to optimize your results and patient outcomes.

CME (Credits: 0.5) CEU (Credits: 0.75)

Steve McClain, MD
Adjunct Professor Dermatology and Emergency Medicine
Stony Brook, LI
[email protected]

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Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will understand dermatopathologists specialize in diagnosis of diseases of skin, nail, soft tissue, and bone, with training emphasis on diagnosis of early melanoma.
  2. Participants will understand the power to practice podiatry can be defined by the number of patients they convince to complete their regimen.
  3. Participants will understand clinical success is greater when confident physicians get their patients to apply Effective Treatment for the Correct Diagnosis.

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