This Just In...
Hallux Abductovalgus Principles of Correction: Transitioning From a 2D to a 3D Treatment Algorithm?

Matrona Giakoumis, DPM, FACFAS discusses correction of the bunion deformity using a 3D model. Dr Giakoumis also looks at this algorithm and what some of the research related to this concept is showing.

CME (Credits: 0.5) CEU (Credits: 0.75)

Matrona Giakoumis, DPM, FACFAS
Assistant Professor, Surgery Department, NYCPM
Faculty, The Podiatry Institute
[email protected]

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Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the traditional treatment approach to HAV correction.
  2. Review the importance of frontal plane rotation for HAV correction.
  3. Review what the literature states regarding frontal plane correction for HAV correction.

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