This Just In...
Floating Metatarsal Osteotomy for the
Treatment of Plantar Forefoot Ulcers

Collin E. Pehde, DPM, FASPS will focus on the fundamental principles of treating plantar forefoot ulcers with a floating metatarsal osteotomy.

CME (Credits: 0.5) CEU (Credits: 0.5)

This CME lecture is from the Live In-Person
2023 Desert Foot Conference.

Collin E. Pehde, DPM, FASPS
Assistant Clinical Professor of Podiatric Medicine and Surgery
UT Health San Antonio
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
[email protected]

Click the image below to view this lecture.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the indications for the surgical treatment of plantar forefoot ulcers with a floating osteotomy.
  2. Describe the surgical approach for a floating metatarsal osteotomy.
  3. Explain the treatment goals for plantar forefoot ulcers with a floating osteotomy.


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